Why Should We Encourage Participation in Science Olympiad?
Students are learning to work together to solve problems and think critically. At the same time, they are reinforcing and expanding on the science standards for middle school and early high school years.
STEM Standards
STEM involves Science, Technology, Engineering, and Math. Participants in SO cover standards in all of these areas! Click here for a link to the ISTE standards met!
Communication Skills
Students have the opportunity to improve their skills in oral and written communication, particularly results of experiments, labs, and explaning their own thought processes to others.
Ohio Science Standards
SO specifically addresses multiple standards in grades six through nine in the Ohio Academic Content Standards. Click here for a link.
Benefits of Science Olympiad
There are more than 16,000 Science Olympiad teams across the nation.
Looks great on college and work resumes
Strengthens test taking skills for future SAT and ACT testing
Is a springboard for future studies – providing a GPA advantage in high school courses
Provides opportunities to visit college campuses before the official high school visits
Can lead to college scholarships – by placing well at State and National tournaments;
and by improved GPA scores
Builds self confidence from individual successes
Teaches personal organization and individual responsibility
Teaches and strengthens independent study habits
Instills insatiable curiosity and research habits
Provides a productive outlet for the competitive spirit
Provides an environment where kids are recognized and respected for their knowledge
Totally changes the way kids look at learning -- makes learning fun!
Provides an outlet for the love of science!
Teaches teamwork and collaboration with others
Provides an avenue of introduction to friends sharing similar interests
Teaches the ability to work with adult mentors
Provides opportunities for team members to use science equipment that is
not normally available to Junior High students
Provides at least two out-of-town, overnight events that further facilitate team bonding
Provides the opportunity to visit other schools, providing a basis of comparison with our own
Provides the opportunity to meet kids from other schools,
and both compete with and collaborate with them
Science Olympiad National Team winners are invited annually to visit the White House and to meet the President.
Science Olympiad is active in all 50 states – there are 282 teams in the State of Ohio.